Posted by: thatjen | May 1, 2006

You know you’re a nursing mom when…

…you realize you are using a nursing pad for a bookmark.


  1. I used my nursing pads as coasters. Still using for that even though i’m not nursing anymore! Gotta love ’em.

  2. LOL, I did that to!! I thought I was the only one.

  3. Just tell me it wasn’t used.


  4. They make good face or bottom wipes when they are made a bit damp too!

  5. Hey, some of my breast friends are books 😉

  6. Johnnydee, I’m a nursing LIBRARIAN mom. ‘Nuff said.

    (or, as my word verification says,”mkeay”?)

  7. I’m just impressed that you have time to read!


  8. I used one as scratch paper the other day. I had no paperwithin reach, but several breast pads.

  9. My toddler used to use them at “hats”! He thought that was sooo funny!

  10. Okay, you made me shoot pepsi out of my nose and onto my computer screen at work this morning with that line! Hope things are continuing to go well!

  11. …it’s 4 o’clock in the afternoon and neither you or your wife can remember if you actually ate lunch that day or took a shower.

    Love the pictures.

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