
We have both known for as long as we can remember that we wanted to have kids. The actual trying portion of our journey began in May 2004, when we did our first donor sperm insemination. After several tries, a molar pregnancy, much methotrexate and waiting, our daughter was born in April 2006. We adore her more than is probably healthy. After a less heartwrenching, but still agonizing journey, we are expecting a sibling in September.

Since we both teach, we both spend far more time talking with children than with adults. Therefore, we sometimes babble about the mundane for far too long. Oh, and in case you haven’t figured it out yet, we’re *gasp* lesbians.


  1. Hiya. Just found your blog ….really enjoying it. I have my finally-done-with-methotrexate-three-month-wait RE appt today, actually. I love reading success stories 🙂 Take care – Shawn

  2. Can I put a link to your blog on my page? I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your posts and seeing your sweet little people! Thank you for sharing the voting/boating anecdote. Best laugh I got all day.

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